
Skylark Organics delivery routes

and delivery days


Yes - delivery is FREE*

* Our minimum standard box order of only £11.50 for standard box orders or £15.00 for non-standard, self selected individual produce when you Build Your Own Box

Skylark Organic delivery 100% Organic Fruit & Vegetable Boxes are delivered to your doorstep.  We can organise a safe place to leave your order if you're away from your home.

Check if we deliver to your area, and find your delivery day:


Our delivery areas are Herefordshire, Most of Worcestershire, and South Shropshire and a list of the delivery towns and surrounding areas can be seen below.

Delivery towns and surrounding areas Delivery days Frequency
Hay-on-Wye, Hereford, Kington, Newent, Ross-on-Wye, Ewyas Harold, Pontrilas, Wellington Tuesdays, 51 weeks of the year You choose the frequency of your orders by logging into your account
Ledbury, Malvern, Leominster, Ludlow, Presteigne Wednesdays, 51 weeks of the year You choose the frequency of your orders by logging into your account
Bromsgrove, Bromyard, Cleobury Mortimer, Droitwich, Kidderminster, Tenbury, Worcester Thursdays, 51 weeks of the year You choose the frequency of your orders by logging into your account


The majority of orders are delivered between 9:00am and 3:00pm although we are unable to provide an exact time.

We are looking for local drop co-ordinators - contact us for details.

If you have a general question please drop us an email on or call 01885 482969 and the Skylark Team will do their best to help. 

Image showing fruit and vegetables with the phrase refer a friend and receive 10% discount

Refer a friend

Refer a friend

Both yourself and your friend shall receive a 10% discount on your next order.

Contact us for more details 

Group discount

Group discount

Benefit from a 10% group discount by receiving deliveries at work.

Get together with colleagues, or friends, or association to receive 100% farm-fresh organic produce delivered.  Buy organic produce and receive the 10% discount. 

You can either receive this spread across the group, or refunded to the organisation on a quarterly basis (you choose) to fund a Christmas party, School Funds, favourite charity Etc.


  • The minimum number of boxes is 6.
  • Delivery is to one location only.

Contact us for more details 

Be a local drop co-ordinator

Get a group of friends and neighbours together and benefit from a personal or a group discount.  


  • One group delivery to one location.
  • Order 3 to 5 boxes to receive 10% personal discount
  • Order 6 or more boxes to receive a 10% group discount.


Contact us for more details